My first photo exhibition was at the MIT Students center where I showed early prints of Africa. The person who arranged that for me, Dick Stroud, helped me again by introducing me to a model, Bates, and loaning me a large studio so I could do some experimental nude photographs. Bates was a remarkable model, over 6 ft tall, lithe and a dedicated yoga practitioner.
I was experimenting with high contrast copy film (which had no ASA rating) and with extreme side lighting. It took several sessions to get the kind of abstract images I was looking for in which the body was abstracted by extreme positive/negative renderings.
Later I made 4 x 5 Kodalith positives from the 35mm negatives, so I could print both positive and negative versions. I also added collaged elements to some of the prints and manipulated other prints by moving the easel during exposure.
Major Photographic Series 1963-2007
Ongoing Projects
India Day By Day (2008)
Travel Photography
Travel Writing archive
Writing on Photography archive
Ordering Photographs
Helen Thomas